الثلاثاء، 15 نوفمبر 2022

The start of the activities of the Civil Society Day in Climate Development COP27 in Egypt..

The start of the activities of the Civil Society Day at the COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt..

COP27 in Egypt..

The activities of the Climate Summit, held in Sharm El-Sheikh in the Arab Republic of Egypt, continue under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Today, Tuesday, November 15, 2022, the activities of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Day began at the COP27 Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh.

The Climate Summit management noted that climate action requires engagement with and contributions from all stakeholders, and humanity noting that civil society is an indispensable partner in the global effort to combat climate change, as with this in mind, the COP will hold 27 days dedicated to engaging civil society. and to ensure that their views are integrated in a pivotal and purposeful manner.

The conference management has also made it clear that the participants will have a platform to share best practices and identify challenges, as well as communicate and develop partnership opportunities among multiple stakeholders, and the role and contribution of civil society in this area will be presented through sessions in different forms of climate action and policies.”With this in mind, she added, the COP will hold 27 days dedicated to engaging civil society and ensuring that their views are incorporated in a meaningful way.